47 Years of Impactful Scholarship

Volume 42, Issue 5

International Trade: Isolationism, Trade Wars, & Trump

Trade and its international regulation are now again at the center of a very heated political and legal debate, partly fueled by the election of President Trump in 2016. The aggressive stance of the Trump Administration with the imposition of tariffs, the invocation of national security exceptions, and the attacks on the global rule-based trade system have led many to raise serious concerns about the isolationist policies and trade wars of the United States under its current leadership.

The Fordham International Law Journal’s Symposium on “International Trade: Isolationism, Trade Wars, & Trump” could not have been more timely to contribute to the understanding of the current debate on trade. During the one-day symposium, the first panel “Setting the Stage: The Current Landscape of the Trade Issues & the WTO” provided an overview of the key trade issues and an overview of the WTO. The following panel “Trade & National Security, Sanctions, Tariff, and Other Carrots & Sticks” focused on the Trump Administration’s current use of tools in the trade “arsenal” to address its concern on imbalances in existing agreements. The third and final panel, “The United States and the Global Economy,” debated the role of the United States in the global economic environment and proposed a way forward (and out) of the current situation.

This Symposium Issue contains four scholarly contributions from those who participated in the Symposium: William Jannace and Paul Tiffany’s debate “A New World Order: The Rule of Law, or the Law of Rulers?”; Rachel Brewster centers on “Analyzing the Trump Administration’s Strategy on International Trade;” J. Benton Heath discusses “National Security and Economic Globalization: Toward Collision or Reconciliation;” and finally Simon Lester and Huan Zhu focus on “A Proposal for Rebalancing To Deal with National Security Trade Restrictions.”

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Recommended Citation:

Paolo Galizzi, International Trade: Isolationism, Trade Wars, & Trump, 42 Fordham Int'l L.J. 1375 (2019). 
Available at: https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/ilj/vol42/iss5/1