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ILJ Online

ILJ Online is the online component of Fordham International Law Journal.

Afghan Allies and Refugees: Where Will They Go?

The United States withdrew from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 and promised Afghan allies access to the United States through Special Immigrant Visas. Volume XLV staff editors Azadeh Amir-Aslani & Michaela Gawley argue that the Taliban’s takeover, the United States’ problematic immigration system, and COVID-19 have hindered these vulnerable individuals’ ability to seek refuge out of Afghanistan.

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Bad Things Still Happen When the Spotlight Fades

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics have put a spotlight on China’s treatment of the Uyghurs and increased the pressure on countries to take decisive actions against the alleged human rights abuses. Volume XLV staff editor Sydney Glazer argues that once the Olympics end and the spotlight fades, countries must continue to take a stand against China’s abuses.

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BlogFordham ILJSydney Glazer
How Savvy U.S. Courts Decide to Order Cross-Border Discovery

Volume XLV staff editor Lauren Park argues that U.S. courts have the authority to customize discovery orders to comply with foreign blocking statutes to a degree judged to be appropriate according to international comity and do not shy away from discovery sanctions. When asserting control over discoverable documents and information in U.S. litigation, foreign jurisdictions should also consider whether they are also prepared to enforce their blocking statutes.

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BlogFordham ILJLauren Park
European Court of Justice to Make Landmark Decision on Rule of Law Sanctions

Volume XLV staff editor Celeste Williams discusses the forthcoming judgment from the European Court of Justice on the authority of the European Union to withhold funding from member states who violate the values of the bloc. A decision supporting such power could provide the Union with more teeth to sanction states for human rights violations and threats to democratic institutions.

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A Path for Citizenship for Afghan Allies

Volume XLV staff editor Jacqueline Hayes argues that following an almost 20-year occupation, the United States left Afghanistan abruptly in the Spring of 2021. Many Afghans arrived in the United States on temporary humanitarian parole which does not provide a unique path to lawful immigration status. As such, many are advocating for the Afghan Adjustment Act which includes a particularized roadmap for Afghans on humanitarian parole to receive lawful immigration status.

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Better Access Leads to Lower Abortion Rates: the Netherlands’ Approach to Women’s Rights and Reproductive Health.

Volume XLV staff editor Joy Su argues that although the Netherlands has similar abortion laws to the current US law, it has seen consistently low abortion rates and few cases of unsafe abortions because of its widely accessible safe abortion procedures and contraceptives. There is a push for stricter abortion laws and abstinence-only education in the US, but findings show better access to safe abortion procedures and family planning resources lower abortion rates and unintended pregnancies.

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BlogFordham ILJJoy Su
Turkey’s Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention: Lack of Rights for Victims of Gender Based Violence

Volume XLV staff editor Esat Acar argues that Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention has severe consequences for victims of gender based violence, directly through the removal of legal protections, but also indirectly through the signaling effect withdrawal has and the removal of the monitoring mechanism of the convention, GREVIO.

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BlogFordham ILJEsat Acar
The Long-Lasting Legacy of US Federal Judges on Immigration

Volume XLV staff editor Micaela Gold argues that Trump-appointed judges have complicated the roll-back of Trump-era immigration policy, such as the Remain in Mexico policy. The Remain in Mexico policy has placed asylum seekers in danger by forcing many to await their asylum hearings in Mexico. The Biden administration has been forced to enforce the policy despite an attempted rescission.

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BlogFordham ILJMicaela Gold
After Global Minimum Corporate Tax — Next Steps for Modern Economies and Corporations

Volume XLV staff editor Rosa Kim discusses how world leaders gathered and agreed to set a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent, a first step towards global tax reform to disincentivize multinational corporations’ tax avoidance practices. The next step would be to tackle IP-derived income, which also impact offshoring of patents and software IP to minimize corporate taxes.

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BlogFordham ILJRosa Kim
Searching for Truth and Justice between Sectarian Walls: How Sectarianism has Revealed itself in the Case of the Beirut Blast

Volume XLV staff editor Abrahim Assaily investigates the ways in which the judicial investigation into the "Beirut Blast" has revealed the way that sectarianism has infected the Lebanese judicial system. And, why attempts to overcome this sectarianism have been met with hostility and violence from the political system.

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